The Adventures of Jack and Jill in the Lifestyle

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sexy Link: Halloween is cumming

I never really cared much for Halloween as a kid, but as an adult, I love it! It's the one day all year that I can get dressed up in something that wouldn't be acceptable any other day and then be theatrical to boot.

Have you scouted about for Halloween costumes lately? I like to make my own, but this year I thought I'd do a little shopping to get my brainstorm on. Still not sure what we're (yes, I'm hoping Jack will be ridiculous with me) going to be this year. I can tell you, though, that the online search sure got my mojo going! And since you may still be wondering, "What type of fool will I make of myself this year?" I thought to share these with you.

I'm thinking that the team involved in the design of these particular costumes were predominantly male in desperate need of getting laid. I'm also betting that we'll see at least one of these at the club on Halloween:

I'm fairly certainly that the male of our species had a hand in these, as well, but this group was more focused on practical jokes and football games. They may even have been virgins, and their frat house mentally tells us why:

These required a special committee, indeed. I'm thinking couples, where the guys are pussy whipped, and the girl said something like, "Wouldn't that be SOOOO cute!?"

Then there's a group of costumes that have to be the newest ideas since the Richard Nixon mask was popular in, what, the 1970s? The green army man is probably my personal fav (but, ah, no, I won't be donning it):

(The last one made me smile because the marketing team made sure to note that you're getting seven pieces -- count 'em! -- in exchange for your $40 plus shipping!)

So, what shall we be? As far as couples costumes go, most put the guy in a pretty uncomfortable situation: Tights for his Superman or Batman to her Supergirl or Cat Woman; that God-awful shorts outfit for his Raggedy Andy to her Raggedy Ann; or hot and sweaty for his Cowardly Lion, Tin Man, or straw-filled Scarecrow to her Dorothy.

Some of the options we're considering are:

Gynecologist and patient, his comfy scrubs and my easy access hospital gown?

Football player and cheerleader, which needs nothing more than things we already own.

Magician and a bunny ... a sexy bunny, of course. As long as he doesn't make me disappear. :)

Hugh Hefner and one of THOSE bunnies! Always a good time here.

Two cops ... an excuse to frisk our friends all night long. ;)

Cop and prisoner - could go either way ... depends on who wants to be on top?

St. Pauli Girl and Captain Morgan! I just think that one sounds like fun.

Thoughts? Maybe I'll make that a poll in a couple days ... when everyone's done talking about shaved cocks. Tell me: What are YOU going to be this Halloween?

Fondly yours,


Anonymous said...

Hahaha I like the snake charmer. said...

Update: If you're still deciding what you're going to be, Amazon has a huge selection of costumes and is having a sale -- $10 off select costumes over $50. Click here!